
Genesis 4 | Cain

August 14, 2022

Genesis: God's Story, Our Story
Genesis: God's Story, Our Story
Genesis 4 | Cain

East of Eden, Adam and Eve begin a family, first Cain is born, then Abel. In the course of team they grow, enter vocations and bring their offerings to the Lord God. But Cain’s offering is not accepted as Abel’s. Why? Who was Cain actually worshipping and serving, himself or God? God confronts Cain’s displeasure warning him to repent and turn from the sin crouching at his door, but he does not, and he murders Abel his brother. But God raises up another son for Eve–Seth, who is the seed of God’s promise. Seth is the line of those who begin to call on the name of the Lord. Who admit their weakness and see their need of God. But Cain’s progeny is Lamech a man of power, violence and revenge. Who’s way will we walk in – those who assert ourselves and ignore God or those who admit their weakness and worship God?