

Let the little children come to me . . . for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven

Children are a blessing from the Lord. At Christ Church Vienna, we want to show kids of all ages the love of God and the good news of Jesus Christ. We want the church family to be a safe place of connection to other kids and adults. We want kids to grow up with great memories of their time in church.

NURSERY: Infants & Toddlers

We offer a Nursery room for toddlers that is run during the sermon and prayers.  Parents can check their child in when the older children are dismissed.

We want to encourage as many adults who do not have little ones to serve in the Nursery so that parents can consistently participate in worship.

KIDS’ GROUPS: PreK – 5th Grade

Children begin the service with their parents in the auditorium.  During this time, there are opening prayers, songs, and Scripture readings. Children then leave the service with their teachers during the sermon and subsequent time of prayer. Parents may escort their children to their rooms if they desire. Children will return around the time of the announcements so that they can participate in the communion liturgy, come forward to receive Communion or to be prayed for (parents decide).

In this season, children are divided into three separate classes Pre-K (3-4yr olds), K-2 (Kindergarden-2nd grade), and 3rd-5th (3rd-5th grade). We hope to engage our kids socially, physically and spiritually. Our goals for this time are: safety, fun, connection, and Jesus.

With the Elementary School aged children, a portion of our time is spent in the gym with ice-breaker activities and games. The other portion is spent in a classroom for a Bible lesson. Our curriculum for kindergarten through fifth grade is an adapted form of Godly Play. This curriculum focuses on engaging children in the stories of the Bible in a Montessori-style. Materials, such as the desert box, are meant to draw children into the stories. The teacher may take prayer requests from the children and, if there is time, allow the children to play with crafts or other activities.

While we want to facilitate your child’s understanding of the gospel, we believe it is first the responsibility of parents to raise their children in the love of the Lord and the gospel of Jesus Christ. Your home is your primary mission field. If there is a way we can better facilitate your ministry to your kids, please let us know.

For questions related to special seeds or accommodations, please contact Denise Weinig at: [email protected]

Children Protection at CCV

Christ Church Vienna highly values the safety of its children. Volunteer leaders and staff are required to comply to the Child Protection Policy of the Diocese of the Mid Atlantic. Before working with children or students, all volunteers are required to complete an application (includes background check), interview, submit references, and attend a child protection seminar.

Link to CCV Child Protection Page

For information on Christ Church Vienna’s Child Protection policy, including what is required to serve in student ministry, or for contact info for reporting any observed or suspected abuse, please click on the link above.

Additional Child Protection Resource Links