Vision & Values
At CCV our Vision & Values drive the decisions and direction of our church. They shape our common identity and help us live into our calling as a church community. To print out the Vision & Values go to CCV Membership Covenant. The full text of the CCV Vision & Values is also displayed below.
Christ Church Vienna is a gospel driven, externally focused, extended family, Anglican mission for Vienna, VA.
Gospel Driven
Christ Church Vienna is driven by the grace filled gospel of Jesus Christ
- Allowing the gospel to define our identity & worldview
- Appropriating God’s grace through Jesus Christ every day
- Growing in our maturity in Christ, in our knowledge of & desire for God
- Cultivating a deeper whole-Bible theology that is integrated into our lives
Externally Focused
Christ Church Vienna is externally focused & outward facing—”Missional”
- Seeking Gospel-Transformation for ourselves & for all people
- Being involved in the lives of the people in our community, work, schools and neighborhoods
- Sharing the good news of Jesus Christ crucified & risen, our hope & salvation
- Pushing back the effects of sin & darkness and caring for the broken & needy
Extended Family
Christ Church Vienna is an extended family of believers in Jesus Christ
- Loving one another as an extended family: enjoying life, having fun, caring for one another, developing deeper relationships, committed to one another
- Experiencing “eternity” through our corporate life in which unique people of different ages share grace, forgiveness, joy and mercy with one another
Anglican Mission
Christ Church Vienna is Anglican in worship form & governance
- Using the Anglican Book(s) of Common Prayer to arrange and facilitate our liturgy, regularly celebrating the Lord’s Supper (weekly) & Baptism
- Governing the Church through Bishops, Presbyters (elders) and Deacons; lay leaders and a Church Council (vestry).
For Vienna
Christ Church Vienna exists for the community of Vienna, VA
- Not just In Vienna, but For Vienna; seeking the welfare of the town
- Pursuing God’s purposes for this community through our presence, involvement, relationships and vocations
- Breaking down the wall between the secular and the sacred