
Genesis 12 & 15 | The Covenant with Abraham

September 11, 2022

Genesis: God's Story, Our Story
Genesis: God's Story, Our Story
Genesis 12 & 15 | The Covenant with Abraham

God’s Covenant with Abram (Abraham) is central to God’s redemptive plans in the Bible and history. God chooses a person, whom he will bless and through whom God’s blessing of salvation will reach all peoples. God calls Abram to leave his father’s house and homeland. Abram leaves. But the promises of God seem unfulfilled. Yet God assures him–codifying his promises in a Covenant Ceremony–where God commits to bearing the curse for breaking the Covenant should either of them fall short. Even in Genesis, the gospel of grace in Jesus Christ is being revealed. And like Abram, we are called to Leave all and Follow God where he will lead–to respond by faith to his promises of love and salvation.