
Genesis 16 | Hagar & the God who Sees

September 18, 2022

Genesis: God's Story, Our Story
Genesis: God's Story, Our Story
Genesis 16 | Hagar & the God who Sees

Sarai and Abram are very old and have no children, but God promised Abram a son. So Sarai suggests Hagar, her servant, might be the one to give birth to son; after all, it was normal to do this in the Ancient Near eastern society. But this was not God’s plan nor his purposes for marriage–they did not trust God and they sinned against Hagar. When Hagar conceives, Sarai despises her; mistreats her and Hagar flees. A foreign, slave woman in the Ancient world was vulnerable and hopeless–but God meets her–he sees her and hears her cries–just as he does for each of us in our desperation and need.