
Luke 22 & 23 The Power, Trial, Cross & Kingdom (Palm Sunday)

March 25, 2018

Walking with Jesus: the Gospel of Luke
Walking with Jesus: the Gospel of Luke
Luke 22 & 23 The Power, Trial, Cross & Kingdom (Palm Sunday)

We all seek power, but the kingdom that Jesus came to bring turns power on its head. Jesus is the Messiah, God’s son, but he doesn’t use his power for his own good, he surrenders it for ours. He allows the powers that be–religious leaders, Pilate, Herod–to unjustly to judge him (the Judge) and sentence him to death on a cross. Jesus calls us to do the same–to live the cruciform life and participate in his upside-down kingdom.

*The Reading of the Passion Narrative (from the ending of the Palm Sunday Service) is included after the sermon.